Tuesday, August 6, 2019

In which Amsterdam is still ridiculously photogenic.

Back in March, I attended a work conference in Amsterdam and went down a couple days early to explore. I'd been there once before in 2012, which was a jolly, sunny, springtime jaunt with my parents. A friend generously put me up and let me join her walking tours of the city (thanks!). Over the next few days, I walked its canals in the evening sun (fun), had some great food (fun), got soaked by morning and afternoon rains and winds that literally dyed my feet blue (not fun), aaand spent as much time as possible being inside, warming up. The weather was mostly cold and miserable, the city full of tourists (guilty), and while it is an objectively lovely place, it was hard to be outside for most of it. These pictures are mostly from the first and last days there -- the last day being from a canal tour. It was a gorgeous evening, certainly photogenic, followed by a nighttime stroll through quiet streets, the water awash with window glow.