"Those" specifically meaning a terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad day when most everything seems to go wrong and ends with a need for pudding. (Only not so bad, I just really wanted to include that childrens' literature reference.) It all started this morning when I woke up to a new gray and drizzly Hamburgian day and immediately went online to check the Maine election results. After reading that the voting majority of Mainers had overturned the same-sex marriage legislation, I was so upset that after saying a few choice words, I went and made pancakes with vegetarian sausage instead of doing homework, all the while thinking about how the human race can put people on the moon and build new hearts and other incredible things, BUT WE CAN'T HAVE THE DECENCY TO GRANT EACH OTHER BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS? COME ON, PEOPLE. However, I do find it very interesting that my first instinct is to bake things during times of extreme emotion. The first two were beautiful, wonderful, and perfect in every way. I burned the rest. Damned electric stoves.
Other highlights included a highly-critical choir director (long story), much misremembering of my schedule which made for a big big mess for me and others, and, my personal favorite, being so zoned out on the bus home that I completely missed my stop and had to walk back twice as far in the foggy, foggy night, among many other things. That one actually made me chuckle. Silly self.
In other news, I'm happy to report that TOMORROW is Thursday, as I found out after a whole day of thinking tomorrow was Friday. I wonder what new adventures this extra day in my life will bring!
Also, I need to get out of the city! I need to take pictures of exciting new places! I need to take pictures of anything! I need to take pictures! I need to go to sleep!
I'm so glad that expensive camera is being put to good use, taking photos of moodily lit foods, and people reacting to those foods.
ReplyDeleteI tried Skyping you this morning (or maybe yesterday) but I think I barely missed you. I also didn't get much sleep last night, because I was hanging out with Greta's sister Ella in Brooklyn, and hearing a great band. Thursday morning is very open for me, so if it's open for you too, we should talk :-)
Today's Google non-word: pirocasy - a small, specialized container for holding matches, oil, rags and glass bottles. Very popular as an underground accessory for arsonists.
I bake things when I'm upset, too! It's led to tasty things like Irish soda bread and maple-pecan-corn muffins.
ReplyDeleteI just want you to know that I do not hold you responsible for the actions of a few idiotic individuals up in Maine. ^__^ Basically everyone I know is upset about this, I have no idea who could have voted for it...
Good luck going on adventures! I can't wait to see the pictures you take. =)
mmmmmmmmm... pancakes :)