My days are slowly becoming ensconced by theater. As of yesterday, I've got rehearsal every day until the end of time (...or February, whichever comes first). Tomorrow we move in at 9am and spend all day building the set. The different parts of it already look great, so I'm pretty excited. We had a costumed run-through on Sunday and there was an odd moment where the director and costume designers lined up all the actors on stage and openly critiqued our clothes like we were mannequins of some sort, having us take off jackets, try new hats, etc. It was quite a strange moment. Our rehearsals have generally been going super well, so I'm excited for what a few more run-throughs will do before our premiere on the 19th. We're also now getting our fabulous posters up around campus and the city, which adds to the excitement. Excited. Excited. Excited.
And, of course, there's also class and homework still to be done. I've already been assigned three essays and lots o' readings, which I'm trying to get done pronto before my being gets completely devoured by thespianism.
In my Smith theater class, we just read Die Leiden des jungen Werther (The Sorrows of Young Werther) by Goethe in preparation for a one-man performance we went to see on Tuesday night. I'd found the book itself to be a somewhat excruciating read due to the combination of old German syntax and whining, so in all honesty I wasn't particularly looking forward to the play. Therefore what a wonderful surprise it was to have my mind blown by its awesomeness! It just goes to show that you should never judge a play by its book.
On a more serious note, the news from Haiti is absolutely horrendous. Heartbreaking. Heartbreaking.
The world is a strange place. Thousands of people are dying on one side while I'm just sitting around on the other, trying not to feel guilty while I watch the beautiful snow come down and eat borscht. Ahhgf.
Why all the pictures of food? It's 7:30pm and I'm still hungry!
ReplyDeleteThe way I see your potential future career going is like this. You will write cookbooks, take your own pictures, and translate them into three languages. I'll help if you make a Hungarian version.
Love you!