Before I get started on this epically photo-filled 50th blog post, I would just like to point out that I have successfully narrowed my photo count of this 2.5 day journey from about a thousand down to 437. Yay!
[*EDIT* I KNOW there are several html and photo spacing problems in this post. They're far too tedious to fix and I'm tired. Blogger hates me. Please forgive.]
So. Mallorca! Sarah and I safely arrived in Palma at about 10.30pm on Sunday the 14th. We somehow ended up surrounded by families with many small children on the flight over, which was sometimes adorable and sometimes not. Actually, mostly not because it was after their bedtime, but whatever. One cute moment happened when we landed and the kid at the window in front of us looked out at the light colored tarmac and asked his parents if it was snow. No, dear, just no.
We missed the last bus by a few minutes and had to take a cab to the other side of the city where our hostel was, which was pricey but extremely smooth and convenient. The hostel itself was surprisingly fantastic. For only 16 euro a night, Sarah and I had ourselves a clean, private room and bathroom with a wonderful shower, towels, bedding, free breakfast, fun and helpful conversations with the cheery British owners, basically everything we needed. Thank goodness for that.
We missed the last bus by a few minutes and had to take a cab to the other side of the city where our hostel was, which was pricey but extremely smooth and convenient. The hostel itself was surprisingly fantastic. For only 16 euro a night, Sarah and I had ourselves a clean, private room and bathroom with a wonderful shower, towels, bedding, free breakfast, fun and helpful conversations with the cheery British owners, basically everything we needed. Thank goodness for that.
Monday was supposed to be rainy all day, so Sarah and I took a bus to the other side of the island to explore a big cave there, Cuevas del Drach, which I believe translates into CAVERN OF THE DRAGON DUN DUN DUN! Well, maybe without the dun dun dun. I always enjoy exploring subterranean playgrounds of stalactites and stalagmites, though I fear my visit to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico this summer set the bar too high as far impressiveness goes. However, the climax of the adventure came with a classical concert played by musicians being rowed around a huge underground lake in illuminated rowboats, after which WE got to ride in the boats. The presentation was a little cheesy, but the concept? AWESOME! How many people can say they've had a boat ride on a subterranean lake? Photos were strictly prohibited, but I... accidentally discovered one on my camera later. I wonder how that got there. Hm.
We hung out in the somewhat run-down town of Porto Cristo for a while while awaiting the bus to return us to Palma, during which we went to find ice cream and instead found that asking for the "frutas del tiempo" (please forgive my Spanish failures) meant exactly what it said as we each received a plate upon which was an apple, an orange, and a kiwi. Just for the record, I have never eaten a more irresistibly delicious orange. We had another food adventure that evening while trying to find an open restaurant in the rain in a dead part of town. Finally we gave up and went to the local bar across the street from the hostel. I didn't know what any of the food options on the chalkboard were, so asked Sarah to get me something fish. A fish is what I got, head, eyes, tail, scales, all that good stuff. I tend to really enjoy fish, but had just never eaten one that still resembled its original form before. The little old manager kept coming over to talk to us in a mixture of Spanish and German and I got the impression that he didn't think I would eat it. I showed him!
It was actually wonderfully scrumptious, cooked in with an orange stuck inside it with lots of yummy flavorings. Sarah ate a quarter of a chicken. The waiter was impressed. Then he brought us shots of some syrupy pink alcohol tasted like anis seed. It was a cultural experience!

After that there was nothing left to do but enjoy our day! And what a day. We first explored Sóller's cute central square and church before settling in to an outdoor cafe for tea and paella. I was particularly amused by the cat that came to beg at our table at the arrival of our delicious rice and sea creature dishes. I always assumed that cats had too much dignity to beg.
It was only a few kilometers to Fornalutx, but we took our time as each stretch was more beautiful than the last. The village itself really was that beautiful - a curvy maze of stone and happy foliage with hidden staircases and incredible views the higher you climbed. There were a few other tourists, but not many. The village was sleepy and quiet in the warm afternoon sun. The residents must have been taking their afternoon siesta, though this cat we came across had the best siesta spot of them all. I shudder to think of how tourist-infested it must be in the summer.
The next day was equally sunny and delightful. After checking out of the hostel, we wandered around more little winding streets in the old part of Palma for a while.
After that I had to jump back into organizing my Blumberg trip, as I'd heard back from a lot of the host families in my absence. Most of them said they'd be happy to host me, though I had to find replacements for a couple that were busy. I still haven't heard back from everyone yet but have a good start. The first family I was hoping to stay with (Starting tomorrow) was unable to host me, so I made the executive decision to postpone my departure for two days until Monday. I was even more relieved to have made this decision after the sickness in my face woke me up this morning with a vengeance. Hopefully that will take care of itself, as I am not in the possession of any medical aid. Oh, well. I just spent three glorious days in Spain!
Please excuse any typos. Usually I reread these things before I post them, but now it's siesta time.
[*EDIT* I KNOW there are several html and photo spacing problems in this post. They're far too tedious to fix and I'm tired. Blogger hates me. Please forgive.]
ReplyDeleteHahaa! You knew I was going to say something, yeah?
...............Jealous. =/