Thursday, November 24, 2011

In which thanks is given despite unforseen holiday squashers.

I am grateful for all the people in my life.
I am grateful for the internet for having shown me the Macy's Day Parade for the first time ever.
I am grateful for Arlo Guthrie for having written a ridiculous 20-minute song that I get to listen to every Thanksgiving.
I am grateful for having had a wonderful weekend in Poland, proof below and more to follow... sometime.

I am grateful for the thought that someday, somewhere in the future, I will again eat pie.
I am grateful for the teamwork of individuals that freed me from the cold basement hallway where I unexpectedly spent my evening instead of singing Verdi's Requiem with the university choir and orchestra.
I am not particularly grateful for the individual who thought they were being helpful when they double-locked the basement door, but whatever.
I am grateful for all the research I accomplished while chillin' on the basement floor.
I am grateful for being able to laugh at myself, and for being able to live in a wonderful place with a big stipend.
I am grateful for (hopefully) being able to fly to Switzerland tomorrow, and for the extraordinary people I will visit there.
I am grateful for all of this, for all that was, and for all that will be.
Thanks for that.

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