Thursday, December 13, 2012

In which October gets photodumped.

Before we get too carried away with summer adventuring, let's take in a little refreshment with a quick dip into Oktober, ja? And I don't mean Oktoberfest. This is Germany, not Batouristvaria. Come on, folks. It's Stroll Around the Neighborhood & Beyond Time.

Occupy Hamburg: alive, colorful, and cold outside my place of work.

Autumn falls yellow from my balcony.

People here don't know what to do with their shadows when the sun comes out, so they leave them lying about all stripeylike on the platform until the trains come hissing along and eat them up.

(Weekend hop to Detmold.)

Another weekend I went looking for someone in the Ohlsdorf Friedhof. Despite knowing the approximate location and general appearence of the gravestone in question, the fallen foliage kept it hidden in its golden orange underworld.

Once upon a time there was a prison and outside the prison was a wall of colored brick and barbed wire and on the other side of the wall was a twisted tree that shed its leaves to warm the cold, steel bars that kept the dogs from peeing on it like all its tree neighbor friends. (The End.)

And with that, all the ducks of the pond squack goodnight.

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