Friday, August 26, 2011

...Just kidding!

Despite having used words such as "Epilog," "final," and "Das Ende," it turns out that I'm not quite done with the Deutschland just yet (though I think we knew that a year ago). In fact, by this time next week I hope to be sleepily snuggling into my new apartment in Hamburg with the dulcet tones of the schöne deutsche Sprache a-tappin' a tickley tune on my eardrum and at least one quadratic, practical, & gut bar of Ritter Sport Jogurt glopping merrily through my digestive system.

Now the big question-- why? You probably know the answer to that already if you're reading this, but if not, let's just say that the J. William F-bright Board of International-Education-Loving-Very-Important-Persons-Associated-With-The-U.S.-Gov't (more commonly known as the JWFBIELVIPAWTUSG) has generously agreed to finance a year of study and research into postwar German Theater in the city of Hamburg. (Thank you thank you thank you nochmal thank you to everyone who played a role in this, on and offstage.)

As it has been a whole year and three days since we last met, here's a quick recap of the last year:

1. I graduated from Smith College and planted part of my heart in the Ziskind House courtyard.

2. New Mexico is enchanting.

3. Pancakes.

4. Giraffes are cool.

I think that covers all the important bases. As for this bloggy thing, I'm not expecting it to be drastically different from last year, ie. lookit Fotos und some words from time to time. Perhaps recipes will come into play a bit more. We'll just have to see where inspiration strikes once on the other side of the Big Blue. Vee shall see.

As always, I am happy for your comments, questions, whatev's. The excitement is high. Herzlich Wilkommen und viel Spaß!