In other less important news, things have been going welllllll.... My brain has been thrown into semi-shock this week due to the sudden überload of homework from my orientation classes after not having had any since the end of April and, of course, all the German. Seriously, I think my brain is currently burning more calories than my body... and I walk a lot. It's alright, though. It keeps me fit and I haven't slept this well in a looooong time. Yay!
I'm also proud to say that I'm pretty comfortable finding my way around the main parts of the city now. I have memorized all nine bus stops between the one by my dorm and the one by the Smith Center, which happens to be a train station that I frequent often. I also know which S-Bahn lines (above ground metro train ish?) get me to and from places I need to go, where to get different groceries and cheap school supplies, the basic locations of main University buildings, etc... Lastnight I gave directions to the train station to someone and today I helped someone find a specific building on campus. Grin. During our "practical orientation" we've also done wichtig things like gotten library cards for the public library, learned how to use the school libraries, toured the sparkly Rathaus (town hall), and toured the Reeperbahn, among other things. The Reeperbahn (pronounced Raper-bon) is the touristy party area of the city that is full of lots and lots of bars, clubs, sex shops, sex shows, sex clubs, prostitutes, and other classy things. They say it's not too dangerous nowadays that there are so many Polizei, but I was still glad we went as a group. Woohoo! Fun fact: The Beatles played one of their first gigs ever at a club off the Reeperbahn. "The Star" no longer exists, but there is a sort of Beatles shrine where it used to be honoring the group.
A strange and somewhat unfortunate occurrence happened today with my box of winter clothes that was shipped from New Mexico. A few days ago, I received a notice in my mailbox saying that it had arrived, but instead of going to the nearby post office to retrieve it like had happened with my last one, it said I had to go to this obscure post-type-place somewhere in the business area of the city where I had never been. It didn't give an explanation, but said I had to bring my customs declaration, passport, and all that good stuff, which didn't sound good. I finally had a chance to go there today (thanks, Google Maps) and was a little sketched out when I had to wait outside the locked door for them to buzz me in. I then had to wait in the waiting room while they retrieved my package, then they made me open it in front of them after asking all sorts of questions as to its contents. Once open, they went through it and finally let me go after strewing socks, scarves, and sweaters all about. I asked the nice man why the package had gone there instead of the regular post office, but he replied very quickly and I only caught something about it being from the U.S. and the Deutschpost not wanting to deal with it and somethingsomethinggermanandfast. They didn't offer to tape it closed again, so I had to lug it back open on foot for several blocks to the S-Bahn, then the bus, then another several blocks to my dorm and up four flights of stairs to my room. At least now I have warm fuzzy things. : ) (Thanks, Mom and Dad!) Also, the past-me gave the current-me a pleasant surprise by filling my coat pockets with tea packets. (Thanks, self!)
Speaking of thanks, thanks to all you wonderful people who've sent good wishes, letters, cards, postcards, cupcake bandaids, Van Gogh stereo viewers, meditating modern Buddhist wire figurines... I love you. You make my days so happy.
I really didn't mean to write that much. My real intention was to say that I was settling in my room nicely and had found some color to combat the whiteness of it all (thanks, IKEA). I guess I'm just still on a rush after finishing my homework for the week. Pictures!
In a perfect world I would have a fab lazyboy recliner in this big empty corner, but I found a nice squishy pillow and rug instead. It's actually my favorite reading spot.
Uhhh... remind me of your mailing address?