Saturday, October 24, 2009

Drumroll, please.

..................I MADE IT! They kept me to the very end of the 4-hour callback session and had me try out five different roles, all of which were quite fun and with fun people. During the last twenty minutes, they asked me to do a scene as Mr. Paravicini, the creepy Italian man of mystery, only as a mysteriously conspicuous and seductively extravagant Italian bombshell. It was a blast, everyone was happy, and now I have to learn how to walk in stilettos.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! I get to work with a pretty big deal Uni-Hamburg theater full of delightfully fun people! And I get to be extravagant and mysterious and Italian! I was so excited after the affirming phone call that I bounced around for a while with Liz Chase and then went and baked a delicious loaf of Irish soda bread with yummy cream o' broccoli soup for Liz, Carolyn, and I, all while still bouncing. Mmmm, baking soda/powder knows how to party.

...But really, Paravicini? That's the role that Mom played when we did Mousetrap in 2006, only as the shady man figure. I can't wait to tell her. The irony never ends.

And my French homework is done. YAAAAAAAAY!!!

...AND tonight is the end of European daylight saving time! Another Stunde of beautiful, wonderful sleep! Could my weekend get any better?


  1. Baking powder and baking soda are two things we have in abundance in our apartment. Would you please send me the recipe you use? Danke!

    And, congratulations so much on the part. Remember that time I bussed all the way from Boston to see your show, without telling anyone? Well, I can't do that this time :-(

    Love you, Margaret!

  2. I want photos of you as an Italian man. Knowing you, that won't be an issue, though.

  3. Oh, but I am not a man! They made the role female for me, though I would have had just as much fun being a creepy man.

  4. Oh, I get it...yeah...

    Well, can't wait for the pictures of you as a hawt babe (not that you're not already). Congratulations on the role!
