Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just keep swimming!

Sooo, unless Iceland decides to go nutso on us again, I will be waking up in under 6 hours to take the very high road (ie. fly) to Edinburgh, Scotland to visit a dear friend for the weekend. I shall leave you with some fishy photos from our fun trip to das Aquarium in Hamburg until I can update in a more lengthy manner in the future.

P.S. Guess who's officially going to Istanbul in a few weeks? TURKEYTURKEYTURKEY!


  1. Yaaay! An update! Don't forget your Wellies to go to Scotland. Thanks for the phishy pictures. The fourth one looks like an algebra teacher I had in junior high school....

  2. Hehee. Squishy :-)

    PLEASE visit the huge ampitheatre and take lots of photos, please!
