Friday, May 28, 2010
Sneak peak!
Istanbul was incredible. I would elaborate, but I have to leave to catch a plane to Sweden in ten minutes. Therefore, here are a few random preview photos to snack on until my return. Best!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Technology is nifty.
...And it has allowed me to participate (ish) in many a wonderful event from thousands of miles away. For example, I met Ladybug via Skype, the new family 3-legged wonderspaniel and watched her hop around gleefully.

...As well as the whole Smith College graduation ceremony, including Rachel Maddow's fantastic commencement address (which you should watch here!).
And watch my dear dear dear Erin graduate from Loyola University Chicago.
...As well as the whole Smith College graduation ceremony, including Rachel Maddow's fantastic commencement address (which you should watch here!).
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Once upon a time... in mid-April... Carolyn and I decided it was high time to go explore the picturesque little town of Lüneburg, which is about half an hour south of the Hamburg and a free train ride for those of us with city transportation passes. We'd heard lots of good things about its cute little streets and lopsided buildings, so off we went.
Lüneburg's biggest economical strong point for a while was salt. As the story goes, a hunter over a thousand years ago shot a wild boar in the area and found that its coat was covered in salt crystals. With further investigation, a salt pool was discovered, the town grew, etc... The down side of the story (literally) is that the whole old town was built on top of this giant salt dome and after years of mining it out, it started to sink. Many parts of the old town have had to be demolished because of structural damage, though there is still MUCH evidence of the sinking that remains today. It's a little sad to see, I guess, but mostly I found the tilted doors and bulging walls of the cute little old houses both adorable and hilarious. Today there is a nice salt museum that has salt packets for admission tickets, as well as other touristy salt/salty tourist things.

There was a great farmers' market going on in front of the Rathaus, where I picked up some super cheap, super yummy yogurt-covered apricots.

Definitely the creepiest church window I have seen to date, including the Totentanz window in Lübeck. I mean, dripping blood? Was that really necessary?

Lüneburg's biggest economical strong point for a while was salt. As the story goes, a hunter over a thousand years ago shot a wild boar in the area and found that its coat was covered in salt crystals. With further investigation, a salt pool was discovered, the town grew, etc... The down side of the story (literally) is that the whole old town was built on top of this giant salt dome and after years of mining it out, it started to sink. Many parts of the old town have had to be demolished because of structural damage, though there is still MUCH evidence of the sinking that remains today. It's a little sad to see, I guess, but mostly I found the tilted doors and bulging walls of the cute little old houses both adorable and hilarious. Today there is a nice salt museum that has salt packets for admission tickets, as well as other touristy salt/salty tourist things.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Post-midnight musings.
I love those little moments that happen when you most need them to remind you what a beautiful place the world can be. A couple weeks ago it was on the bus when a cute little doggie decided to rest his cold, wet nose on my foot. Last weekend I was on the bus again after a roller coaster day, listening to some peppy music to get my mood up when and old man sat in the seat next to me. I didn't really pay any attention to him as making contact with strangers in public places is kindof a faux pas in this part of the world, so I was surprised when he stood to get off, looked me directly in the eyes, and wished me a nice day. His expression was so kind and I felt so touched that my worries decreased significantly. Tonight I was walking home late from seeing Joanna Newsom live from the front row (which was INCREDIBLE) and as I was turning down my street, I saw the big white van parked in its usual spot and wondered when they'd painted the butterflies on top.

It wasn't until further investigation that I realized they were just shadows. Imaginary butterflies are happy all the same.
It wasn't until further investigation that I realized they were just shadows. Imaginary butterflies are happy all the same.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A lovely daaay in Hamburg town.
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I got busy. But then I think most everyone is busy nowadays, what with classes finishing up, moving, and the like. Classes have been going well enough. I'm giving my first French presentation on Tuesday that I've so far had a hard time working on. Basically I'm just hoping for some great volcano of inspiration to erupt within the next couple days and spread good ideas in the air so thickly that it almost disrupts European air traffic. Almost.
A lot of my time has also been going into choir rehearsals and prompting for the University Players' one acts. Oh, and baking yummy things to feed the poor starving thespians. I'm enjoying working with them again and while I am also enjoying not having the pressure of acting myself, I do miss it. I'm not part of the real team anymore and I miss that feeling. However, I do not whatsoever regret not auditioning, as I am loving a more flexible schedule.
Aaaand then there's the time spent planning out travel, worrying about what to do for my potential Fulbright/DAAD project to potentially come back to Germany after I graduate (deadline is approaching fast and I'm still clueless and gusto-less, alas. Help?), still trying to finish up my Blumberg travel project after a couple months, and being both grumpy and a little worried that my foot hasn't actually healed like it had promised me. Among other things.
However, last week's weather was BEAUTIFUL, AHG! That means that I probably played outside a little too much when I should have been working on all the things I need to get done, but it was totally worth it. Also! Being so far north means that the sun didn't even set until after 9pm tonight despite the cold and dreary drizzle, which means that it feels so much earlier than it is, which means it's hard to be productive when one is used to working in the evening, which means that sleeping is disrupted, which means the world is a crazy place! And so it goes, and so it goes.
Here are photos from one lovely afternoon that Liz Chase and I spent playing in the city. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

And, of course, every day is made better with a gourmet mango cupcake. Did I mention that I love Hamburg?
A lot of my time has also been going into choir rehearsals and prompting for the University Players' one acts. Oh, and baking yummy things to feed the poor starving thespians. I'm enjoying working with them again and while I am also enjoying not having the pressure of acting myself, I do miss it. I'm not part of the real team anymore and I miss that feeling. However, I do not whatsoever regret not auditioning, as I am loving a more flexible schedule.
Aaaand then there's the time spent planning out travel, worrying about what to do for my potential Fulbright/DAAD project to potentially come back to Germany after I graduate (deadline is approaching fast and I'm still clueless and gusto-less, alas. Help?), still trying to finish up my Blumberg travel project after a couple months, and being both grumpy and a little worried that my foot hasn't actually healed like it had promised me. Among other things.
However, last week's weather was BEAUTIFUL, AHG! That means that I probably played outside a little too much when I should have been working on all the things I need to get done, but it was totally worth it. Also! Being so far north means that the sun didn't even set until after 9pm tonight despite the cold and dreary drizzle, which means that it feels so much earlier than it is, which means it's hard to be productive when one is used to working in the evening, which means that sleeping is disrupted, which means the world is a crazy place! And so it goes, and so it goes.
Here are photos from one lovely afternoon that Liz Chase and I spent playing in the city. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
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