Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In which springtime in Germany has 17 syllables.

ZO! The truth is, I'm back in Deutschland and suddenly working 40+ hours a week at a translation company. Visa is good 'til December and counting. My routine for the past week has included working, coming home in the evening, sleepily eating spinach, and giving up on being awake. Rinse, reuse, repeat. In the past couple days I've stretched my awakeness potential by getting back to salsaing and putting together this blogpost. I'd be happy to share more updates about LIFE and all with those who ask.

In the meantime, a thunderstorm pummelled this fair city today and demolished summer as we know it. Proof: I left for work this morning, strolling to the S-Bahn with golden light tickling at my eyeballs. I came home from work this evening amidst windy, gray coolness and browning leaves blustering in the air and mooshing under my feet. All visuals aside, it smelled like fall, and that was most telling of all.

What a perfect time for a slice of rhubarb pie! By which I mean, happy springtime photos, the following of which were taken in the sinking, medieval city of Lüneburg and in cute, little Detmold and its surrounding countryside. In April and May. And it's a long, long time from May to December, and the days grow short when you reach September.

And do you know what else is short? Haiku.

                          something old, and then
                          new, borrowed, blue-- a timeless


bloom, Blumen, rock that
consuming sun and wall space
eyeing yum kapow


                          punkster, lean on me
                          wir tanzen, tanzen, tanzen
                          'til all falls down, love


German safari
lonely limbs, necks stiffly stretch
will you be my friend?

           come here, little bird
           still-life under swanny clouds
           we be tanzen, too


pillars like morals
look strong, steadfast, straight and true
but slowly sinking


           trees reverse strip-tease
           slowly donning greenery
           Hermann-cat sees all


oh, Fachwerkhäuser
flaunt those geometric beams
the camera loves you



           lions, they are so dandy
           n'it was all yellow


5 o'clock shadows
the world grows softer, gentler
oh, the irony


           sure do love my mom



  1. Photos stir the heart
    Senses recall the feelings
    Oh yeah, I was there!

    'Specially love the haiku about the pillars. (And the last!)

    Mmllm back from canyon
    Red silence steeps in heart's brew
    Traffic bewildering!

  2. One more--in your "Bloomability" haiku, the last word, which I still hear in your confident little-girl voice, should be "Layyow."
